Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jim Hall Updates on Sand Island Lighthouse 4/30/2008 4:44 PM

Hello all,
Last Thursday, I took a WKRG-TV reporter and cameraman out to Sand Island
Light House. They ran the story this morning, Wednesday.
Of course I wished they would have used other statements I made, but all
is well. Every little bit of exposure helps.

This same video is a part of this blog and can be seen by scrolling down and clicking the play arrow in the video window or alternatively; A link to see the story is:
(you may have to swipe, copy and paste into your address window…)

*Biding for stailization work has been advertised. Jack Granade, Thompson
Engineering, took prospective contractors out to the Light House
yesterday, Tuesday 29th. I understand opening bids will be sometime near
the end of May. Work on the base foundation and the cracks will be done
this summer. That should make for some interesting picture getting with several truck loads of
cement going out to the site.

*Today, Warren Lee and I met with a 5th grade class from Cabaha Heights
School in Birmingham. They are on a field trip to the Dauphin Island Sea
Lab. They presented Warren a check on Behalf of Sand Island Lighthouse for $1,000 which they raised to go toward the preservation of the light house.

A half dozen of the students told Warren
why they felt the Sand Island Light House should be preserved. A reporter
from the Birmingham News will be covering the story. Publishing may be
Wednesday of next week. Also, I will be doing a show
on the light house tomorrow evening for them after their supper hour.

Jim Hall
On Dauphin Island